Why We Write
November 7th, 2009
In the last year or so, I have seen a trend appearing in a lot of website blogs I read on a regular basis. They’ve morphed into Tumblr style blogs, where original content is scarce and links to other sites abundant. Other sites have gone one step further and are only producing lists of other ‘popular’ websites to visit. There’s an endless loop of sites linking to other sites linking back to the same sites.
I’ve unsubscribed to most of these blogs because I didn’t originally subscribe to them for their links. I subscribed to them because I was interested in the author’s writing and opinions.
So it is my mission to produce original content for this site. My interests are fairly varied, so the content of the posts will be varied too. I have already planned at least six posts profiling artists from the British comic 2000ad, some more screen printing posts and some posts relating to web design and development.
Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to the RSS feed for this site, as there will be more to come.

As an extra fun element I’m going to occasionally add different colour schemes to compliment each blog post (when I have time).
I’ve used the very clever and talented Jason Santa Maria’s approach to layout- drawing heavily on the 24ways article, Modular Layouts.
Post by John Rainsford